Our team are to help you obtain the most competitive price for the service you need.
We have added a quote form for each service, but if you prefer to speak to a person simply call 0333 015 4145. If you prefer to email send us a quick email of what service you need help with to info@blockinabox.co.uk.
We are able to offer quotes for Accounts, Basements, Contractor Accreditation, Company Secretarial Solutions, Electric Charging, Emergency Assistance, Flat Contents Insurance Flats Insurance, Health & Safety Audits, Legal Support and Assistance, Manage Your Block Portal, Mortgages, Out of Hours, Property Surveys, Repairs and Maintenance, Training, Safety Signs, Service Charge Arrears, Service Charge Collections plus much more. If there is anything you need to help you manage your block, call us I am sure we will know a Company that can help.